
House Of Kotagede GuideHouse of Kotagede is a tourism of an authentic cultural heritage and village tour that will bring the visitor to enjoy and to feel an original Javanese life in an ancient city called KOTAGEDE

Zunan Priyo is a young man who has created this tour since four years ago. He was born in Kotagede and he has been working as an official Spanish guide more than 18 years and He also joins the Indoensian Guide association in Yogyakarta .

As a Kotagede People he cares and love his city very much. Because of this Love, Zunan and Co want to share this tour product for those who like to know about an auntethic javanese cutural heritage in Yogyakarta .

Kotagede was the capital of Mataram Kingdom in 16 th Century , How ever some people ignore this fact and they donot want to take this place . Mostly the people only know the outer layer of kotagede, They think as a silver city but the truth is Kotagede is much more beaituful inside , artistic , and more exotic than others cities . We can still find alot of heritages remains in Kotagede and it will remind about the past . The time when Kotagede had a Glory.


Our Goal :
Make our visitors Happy, enjoy and feel Javanese Life in the Ancient city of Kotagede